Friday, February 09, 2007

Jobs etc.

HAHAHA! I've just applied for a job looking for testers! I hope they contact me - I'd love to get paid for breaking things again. Actually I've been quite productive today too - went to talk to Luke (the landlord/estate agent/something person), and I can move in whenever I like. This is good, but he'd forgotten that there's no bed in my room. In the same conversation he also mentioned that he has a terrible memory, so that's slightly less than comforting.

I applied for three jobs today - the testing one, a publisher one, and a tender submissions one. The tender one looks rather menial, but it's really well paid, so meh, I can put up with that until June.

I've also been searching for gyms - still haven't got over the "in your condition" comment I received in Dublin. They all seem to be american conglomerates moving into the rest of the world; maybe Belfast women are comfortable with their bodies, they certainly don't seem to have local gyms... Actually, I've been reading "Bandit Country", by Toby Harnden which is about South Armargh and the IRA, and apart from all the killing, I've been staggered by the way everyone either walks or cycles everywhere. It's full of sentences like "the patrol, who were cycling from X to Y". It's not like South Armargh is a small area. I'm taking it as inspiration. I have been striding all over Belfast city recently - mainly lost (I don't understand it - I walked to the flat yesterday), and running late. My brand new map is looking well-thumbed (or gloved: the weather has packed up, and although England has snow, we just have bitter bitter cold - no wind though).

I'm off to stop thinking about phrases like "building relationships with a diverse range of stakeholders", and start having a look at walking tours (I should be able to afford those!).

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