Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm still alive

Even though I've been incredibly slack about posting recently.

Lara and I went out to Limelight on Friday night; we decided that it was about time we actually went out and socialised a bit. It involved me putting on make up(!), which was quite a mission, and even slightly dressing up - but nothing over the top: it's still too cold.

We were out last Friday in a place called Auntie Annie's with her bloke and an archaeologist friend, and got kicked out at 1am, which was a nuisance, seeing that we didn't make it out until midnight. I'd forgotten about the crazy licensing laws over here. This Friday we went out clubbing (don't laugh, ut romae etc.), so we could drink for longer. It was a highly successful evening, in that I managed to find myself a friendly native giant (6'8") (not quite the same as the BFG, because his ears aren't that big) who knows his way around town.

And I'm off to yoga with Lara this evening. I'm so scared - it being my first time and me not being particularly bendy, but it should be good for a laugh...


Doctor Lard said...

Yoga!? Eeeep!!!!

Mariella said...

No kidding! Haven't gone back either...

Mike Bodnar said...

Mary, Mary... why are you looking for a job when you could be winning the Booker Prize for literature? Your blogs are just wonderful, so why aren't you marketing them to a travel supplement somewhere (or syndicating them) and just watching the cheques roll in? Oh, of course, none of your banks are likely to accept the cheques on your behalf because you don't exist.

Still and all, your writing is fab. Now all we have to do is find an outlet for you...

Love and hugs
